Military College of Signals was raised immediately after the partition of the Indo-Pak Sub Continent in 1947 as School of Signals, with the task of training officers and selected Non-Commissioned Officers of the Corps of Signals of Pak Army. The School had to be raised from scratch because the signal training facilities of the undivided Indian Army were located either at Poona or Jabalpur. Both these cities are now part of India. Lt Col C.W.M. Young British Officer of the Royal Corps of Signals was the first commandant of the School. During the early years, due to the shortage of training facilities, in the country in the field of telecommunication, a number of officers and men were trained at the School of Signals, U.K, and subsequently at US Army Signal School at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. The College, since its raising, has undergone various phases of expansion to meet the requirements of the Corps of Signals.

The status of the School was raised to that of a College in 1977, when it was affiliated with the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore for the Telecommunication Engineering Degree program. The College was affiliated with the National University of Sciences and Technology, in 1991 and since then it has progressed phenomenally as a center of quality education. Today the curriculum is not only confined to merely undergraduate level but MCS is also running MS and Ph.D. courses.
Military College of Signals Location
The Military College of Signals is located centrally in a peaceful and clean environment of Rawalpindi – one of the major cities of Pakistan near the capital, Islamabad. The College is approximately 5kms far from the Rawalpindi Railway Station and about 2 km from the commercial shopping area. Its location provides the advantages of 24 hours of rail, road, and air transportation facilities.
Rawalpindi is a major city with a population of over a million. The elevation is 510 meters above sea level. The climate is tropical with usual temperatures ranging from 0 OC to 47°C during the entire year. It lies on the historic Grand Trunk road built by Afghan ruler Sher Shah Suri in the 16th Century. Summer resorts like Murree, Abbottabad, historical monuments at Taxila, and the world’s largest earth-filled Tarbela and Mangla Dams are located within 30-100 km from Rawalpindi.
Educational Philosophy

The Military College of Signals is responsible to impart training to Officers/Cadets, Junior Commissioned Officers/Non Commissioned Officers (JCOs /NCOs) of the Corps of Signals, other arms of Pakistan Army, and military persons from allied countries besides conducting postgraduate and undergraduate courses in various disciplines. For the purpose of postgraduate and undergraduate courses, the Military College of Signals is a constituent College of National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) established by Government of Pakistan in 1993. The mission of the College is laid down as under:
Military College of Signals Training
- Impart basic and advance special to arms training to the officers of Corps of Signals
- Conduct Telecommunication Engineering Programme for selected officers, technical cadets and civilian students leading to Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree in the discipline of Telecommunication, Engineering and Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering (BESE) from the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
- Conduct Master of Science (MS) programme in computer science and electrical telecommunication engineering and cryptology under arrangements of National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
- Impart training to selected technicians (Non-Commissioned Officers) of Corps of Signals leading to a diploma in electronics
- Train other arms officers, Junior Commission Officers and Non Commissioned Officers from Artillery, Engineers, Infantry and Air Defence as Regimental Signal Instructors
- Conduct different information technology-oriented and data processing courses for all ranks of the Army
Research and Development
- Study of communication doctrines and techniques
- Carry out research, design, and development activities for improvement of communication systems and communication security
- Carry out evaluation and user trials of telecommunication equipment for assessing their suitability for induction in the Army
The Faculty

The Military College of Signals is functionally and administratively controlled by the General Headquarters through Signals Directorate. It is headed by a Major General/Brigadier. Normally around 80 permanent members of staff are available in the college. Including army officers, civilian professors, and lecturers. This personnel is highly dedicated, qualified, and competent to steer the future generations of telecommunication engineers in the proper direction. The Military College of Signals is divided into four main functional groups.
College Headquarters
College Headquarters is headed by a Colonel appointed as Colonel Co-ordination. There are the following branches, which work under Colonel Co-ordination.
- Administration Branch: The branch is headed by a Lieutenant Colonel who is responsible to look after all administrative, financial, and discipline matters
- Training and Co-ordination Branch: The branch is headed by a Lieutenant Colonel and is responsible for all staff work related to training and coordination matters
- NUST Affairs Branch: The branch is headed by a Lieutenant Colonel and is responsible for all staff work related to NUS1 undergraduate and postgraduate courses matters
- Examination Cell: The cell is headed by a Lieutenant Colonel and is responsible for all matters related to conduct of examination, preparation of results, and award of the degree
Combat Division
The division is headed by a Brigadier/Colonel and is responsible to run all combat communication courses. The division comprises five Wing, i.e Tactical Wing, Telecommunication Wing, Information Technology Wing, Cadets Wing, Security, and Research Wing.
Engineering Division
The division is headed by a Brigadier/ Colonel and is responsible for all postgraduate and undergraduate courses. The division is further sub-divided into four departments, the Humanities and Basic Sciences Department, Computer Science Department, Electrical Engineering Department, and Cryptology Department.
Research and Development Cell
It is headed by a Colonel. All the research and development tasks related to analysis/ development in training, tactical, and doctrinal aspects are undertaken by this cell. Apart from research activities, the cell is also responsible for publishing a yearly Newsletter for Corps and Signals.
Curriculum of Undergraduate Programme
All Military Colleges/Institutions including Military College of Signals were made constituent Colleges of NUST. By virtue of our affiliation with NUST, we have academic linkages with reputed international universities like Michigan State University (MSU) of USA, Iowa State University USA, and University of New South Wales, Australia for split programs at Postgraduate and Ph.D. levels.

The degree programme run under NUST is of 3-1/2 years duration. There are seven semesters: Each semester is of 21 weeks duration. There is 8 weeks summer break and 2 weeks winter break at the end of each semester. On the average a total of six subjects including laboratory work are conducted during each semester. The sequence of subjects caters for a smooth transition from basic to higher level of learning. There are five workdays a week having a total of 29 contact hours. The total duration of Engineering Course is 132 credits hours.
BE Software Engineering
A comprehensive program, which lays emphasis on computer sciences with major subjects like artificial intelligence, data structure, and formal programming concept, operating systems, computer networking, and a database system.
BE Electrical (Telecommunication)
The degree program is essentially built on fundamentals of electrical engineering principles with special emphasis on electronics, electromagnetic theory, microwave fiber optics, digital and computer networks, and diagnostics.
MS Computer Software Engineering
The course is a unique combination of hardware engineering and the associate software models. The course contents include design tools for very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuit computer architectures, parallel and distributed systems artificial intelligence, computer visions, image processing, and computer networks.
MS Electrical (Telecommunication) Engineering
The program is spread over one and a half year duration and offers engineering graduates, blend of sophisticated electronics technologies and modern telecommunication systems.
Military College of Signals Selection Criteria
Undergraduate Programme
F.Sc (Pre-Engineering) from any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education or an equivalent qualification. Overseas High School Certificate/ British General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level)/ International Baccalaureate with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, as approved by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).
A minimum of 65% aggregate marks each in school and high school. Be up to the standards of physique and eyesight as indicated in the medical certificate.
Postgraduate Programme
B.Sc Engineering/BE in first division or equivalent qualification in the relevant discipline, from a PEC recognized institution of Pakistan or abroad preferably with some practical experience in the relevant field.
Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA) play a very important role in the development and grooming of a student’s personality. It allows students to exploit their hidden talents and provides an outlet from hectic and monotonous daily routine. On the other hand, it provides opportunities to the faculty members to intermix with the students, and in the process observe their personality and character traits in a relatively relaxed environment. In MCS, the importance of ECA is well recognized and therefore a broad range of social and recreational activities are offered to its students.
Military College of Signals Campus
Being one of the prestigious institutions of the Pakistan Army, the Military College of Signals proudly hosts a number of facilities for its students with a campus that fulfils all requirements of the students endeavouring to acquire training here. It provides an environment conducive to the growth of physical and mental skills of the students.
- Electronic Laboratories: Well-equipped electronic laboratories conforming to international standards with the latest electronic gadgets to provide detailed knowledge of new technologies, telecommunication systems, and planning communication for defensive and offensive operations are provided.
- Tactical Wing: Tactical Wing housed by an impressive structure graces the campus.
- Equipment Training Centre: It is a double storied, simple but graceful structure with the latest equipment to provide and impart knowledge of various equipment used in the course of the war in the specific discipline.
- Libraries: The college has a well-stocked computerized library. It has over 70,000 volumes of technical professional and reference books. Different magazines and journals of professional and technical interest are also subscribed. Besides this, the Institute of Electronics, Electrical Engineering (IEEE), and IEEE publications form a good reservoir of technical knowledge for any research work in the related fields.
- Audio-Visual Library: An audio/visual library is also available in the College which has training films, VCRs, and TVs.
All allied officers are accommodated in a beautiful mess on the Mall Road. It is quite spacious and furnished with all allied facilities required by student officers. Daily newspapers and weekly magazines are also regularly provided to the students.